петък, 21 юни 2013 г.
How to make your own private Cs 1.6 Server in few minutes
Installation Tutorial dedicated server Steam or Counter Strike 1.6 Non Steam on Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
To install a Counter Strike 1.6 server, you need the following: a.Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, processor 1000 ghz, 256 ram memory Internet b.Conexiune c. 300 - 400 MB free disk
Steps that have to do to install Counter Strike 1.6 server
- The first thing you should do is to download the installer Counter Strike 1.6 Server create a new folder anywhere Creator.Then the disk, preferably call it HLDS. Can be called anyway but it is easier to explain it, this name is classic.
- You have to do next steps:
Double click on executable Counter-Strike 1.6 Server Creator.exe. Selection window will appear the installation folder. Looking HLDS - folder that you created - and click OK. Note that you must be necessarily connected to the Internet. Then you Next and Install. After a few seconds - be patient if it does not appear immediately - a window will appear black on the screen that will show progress installation. When this installer download all the basic components of a Counter Strike 1.6 server in your HLDS folder. This process may take some time, depending on internet connection speed. When the installer will check HLDS finish the job. If it has 315 MB (approximately), all components have been downloaded counterstrike server, so everything is fine.
Make a copy of HLDS folder to have a backup in case something goes bad later and have to take it again. So you will not have to download the new server with Server Creator.
- Now you have activated the plugin: Metamod 1.19. For this go to HLDS \ cstrike \ liblist.gam and go there the next line (as others):< gamedll "addons\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll" > *whitout "<>"
save the file and exit.
- Now we need to make the server to be accessible to all players - and those who do not have steam. If you want to be just Steam server, skip this part. Patched for No Steam server can be done by two methods. Choose only one of them:
4.1 swds.dll file using the classical method. No Steam patch download 47 +48 from here, unzip, double click the executable and choose the HLDS installation folder.
4.2 The second method is to install plugin dproto (Protocol Manager). Download 0.4.1 + Fix.exe Dproto here, you double click the executable and choose the folder to install the main directory of the server (HLDS). Then go to HLDS \ cstrike \ addons \ metamod and open plugins.ini with Notepad or Wordpad, then add the following line there:
< win32 addons\dproto\dproto.dll > *whitout "<>"
After activation Metamod, this plugin will run to make the server accept clients No Steam. After you start the server you can check if this plugin works, giving the command console meta list. The answer would be this: dproto RUN - v0.3.7 ini Start Never dproto.dll
Attention! Installing this plugin is downloaded from a server with Server Original Creator, without any changes to DLLs (swds.dll, steam.dll or others).
Do not use both methods on the same server, but only one of them!
- Go to HLDS \ cstrike \ server.cfg (open it with Notepad or Wordpad: ie: double-click it and select Open with, "select the program from the list", and there looking Wordpad or Notepad - click it and OK) , delete everything there and copy the following lines:
< // server name hostname "Server Name"
// rcon passsword rcon_password "password"
// server cvars mpfriendlyfire 0 mpfootsteps 1 mpautoteambalance 1 mpautokick 0 mpflashlight 1 mptkpunish 1 mpforcecamera 0 svalltalk 0 svpausable 0 svcheats 0 svconsistency 1 svallowupload 1 svallowdownload 1 svmaxspeed 320 mplimitteams 2 mphostagepenalty 5 svvoiceenable 1 mpallowspectators 1 mptimelimit 25 mpchattime 10 sv_timeout 65
// bots botquota 0 botquotamode fill botdifficulty 2 botchatter off botautofollow 1 botautovacate 1 botjoinafterplayer 0 botdefertohuman 1 botallowrogues 0 botwalk 0 botjointeam any botecolimit 2000 botallowgrenades 1 botallweapons botallowgrenades 1 botallowpistols 1 botallowsubmachineguns 1 botallowshotguns 1 botallowrifles 1 botallowsnipers 1 botallowmachine_guns
// round specific cvars mpfreezetime 6 mproundtime 5 mpstartmoney 800 mpc4timer 45 mpfraglimit 0 mpmaxrounds 0 mpwinlimit 0 mpplayerid 0 mp_spawnprotectiontime 5
// bandwidth rates/settings svminrate 0 svmaxrate 0 decalfrequency 10 svmaxupdaterate 60 svminupdaterate 10
// server logging log off svlogbans 0 svlogecho 1 svlogfile 1 svlog_onefile 0
// operation svlan 0 svregion 0
// execute ban files exec banneduser.cfg exec bannedip.cfg > *witout "<>"
- Now that your server to run on the internet and see the game list, you should go all in server.cfg, look for a line sv_lan 1. 0 instead of 1 pass and then you add the following lines in all who are there:
< setmaster add setmaster add setmaster add setmaster add setmaster add setmaster add setmaster add > *witout "<>"
Save the file and exit.
At this point, if you followed the instructions on, have a functional server for Counter Strike 1.6. For a sample you can start it like this. Search your HLDS file, executable hlds.exe (as shown), right clicking on it and "Send to desktop". It will appear on the screen the same icon as in HLDS. Double click will open the console. Now you, Start Server. You can enter the server. Take your time but, because it's not ready. Your installer has automatically installed AmxModX 1.8.1. AmxModX is plugin that helps you give commands to the server that you have control, you display the statistics and effects and you enter some specific sounds (such as monsterkill or headshot).
At this point you have three options: 1.Let server to run on Amx Mod X as it is installed! Recommended! 3.Install AdminMod, in which case you need Statsme statistics and sounds. 2.Install Clanmod, in which case you also need Statsme.
1.Admin comands
amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason] ADMIN_KICK .
amx_ban <name or #userid> <time> [reason] ADMIN_BAN.
amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] ADMIN_BAN.
amx_unban <authid or ip> ADMIN_BAN.
amx_slay <name or #userid> ADMIN_SLAY .
amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage] ADMIN_SLAY .
amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] ADMIN_KICK .
amx_pause ADMIN_CVAR .
amx_who ADMIN_ADMIN .
amx_cvar <cvar> [value] ADMIN_CVAR .
amx_map <mapname> ADMIN_MAP.
amx_cfg <filename> ADMIN_CFG.
amx_rcon <rcon command line> ADMIN_RCON .
amx_plugins ADMIN_ADMIN .
amx_modules ADMIN_ADMIN.
2. Chat comands
amx_say <message> ADMIN_CHAT .
amx_chat <message> ADMIN_CHAT.
amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> ADMIN_CHAT .
amx_tsay <color> <message> ADMIN_CHAT .
amx_csay <color> <message> ADMIN_CHAT.
3. comands vote
amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map] ADMIN_VOTE.
amx_votekick <name or #userid> ADMIN_VOTE.
amx_voteban <name or #userid> ADMIN_VOTE .
amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2> ADMIN_VOTE.
amx_cancelvote ADMIN_VOTE .
4. Statistic comands
say /hp .
say /statsme (stats).
say /stats .
say /top15 .
say /rank .
5. Say comands
say nextmap .
say timeleft .
say thetime .
6. Menu comands
amxmodmenu ADMIN_MENU .
amx_cvarmenu ADMIN_CVAR .
amx_mapmenu ADMIN_MAP .
amx_votemapmenu ADMIN_MAP .
amx_kickmenu ADMIN_KICK .
amx_banmenu ADMIN_BAN .
amx_slapmenu ADMIN_SLAY .
amx_teammenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A .
amx_clcmdmenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A .
amx_restmenu ADMIN_CFG .
amx_teleportmenu ADMIN_CFG .
amx_pausecfgmenu ADMIN_CFG .
amx_statscfgmenu ADMIN_CFG .
7. change comands
<command> [name]
off .
on .
stop <file>
pause <file>
enable <file>
list [id]
add <title>
<command> [parameters]
on <variable>
off <variable>
list [id]
add <name> <variable>
8. RCON comands
<command> [parameters]
amxx version
amxx modules
amxx plugins
amxx gpl
amxx cvars
amxx cmds
amxx pause
amxx unpause
amx_kick <name or #userid> [reason] ADMIN_KICK .
amx_ban <name or #userid> <time> [reason] ADMIN_BAN.
amx_addban <authid or ip> <minutes> [reason] ADMIN_BAN.
amx_unban <authid or ip> ADMIN_BAN.
amx_slay <name or #userid> ADMIN_SLAY .
amx_slap <name or #userid> [damage] ADMIN_SLAY .
amx_leave <tag> [tag1] [tag2] [tag3] ADMIN_KICK .
amx_pause ADMIN_CVAR .
amx_who ADMIN_ADMIN .
amx_cvar <cvar> [value] ADMIN_CVAR .
amx_map <mapname> ADMIN_MAP.
amx_cfg <filename> ADMIN_CFG.
amx_rcon <rcon command line> ADMIN_RCON .
amx_plugins ADMIN_ADMIN .
amx_modules ADMIN_ADMIN.
2. Chat comands
amx_say <message> ADMIN_CHAT .
amx_chat <message> ADMIN_CHAT.
amx_psay <name or #userid> <message> ADMIN_CHAT .
amx_tsay <color> <message> ADMIN_CHAT .
amx_csay <color> <message> ADMIN_CHAT.
3. comands vote
amx_votemap <map> [map] [map] [map] ADMIN_VOTE.
amx_votekick <name or #userid> ADMIN_VOTE.
amx_voteban <name or #userid> ADMIN_VOTE .
amx_vote <question> <answer1> <answer2> ADMIN_VOTE.
amx_cancelvote ADMIN_VOTE .
4. Statistic comands
say /hp .
say /statsme (stats).
say /stats .
say /top15 .
say /rank .
5. Say comands
say nextmap .
say timeleft .
say thetime .
6. Menu comands
amxmodmenu ADMIN_MENU .
amx_cvarmenu ADMIN_CVAR .
amx_mapmenu ADMIN_MAP .
amx_votemapmenu ADMIN_MAP .
amx_kickmenu ADMIN_KICK .
amx_banmenu ADMIN_BAN .
amx_slapmenu ADMIN_SLAY .
amx_teammenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A .
amx_clcmdmenu ADMIN_LEVEL_A .
amx_restmenu ADMIN_CFG .
amx_teleportmenu ADMIN_CFG .
amx_pausecfgmenu ADMIN_CFG .
amx_statscfgmenu ADMIN_CFG .
7. change comands
<command> [name]
off .
on .
stop <file>
pause <file>
enable <file>
list [id]
add <title>
<command> [parameters]
on <variable>
off <variable>
list [id]
add <name> <variable>
8. RCON comands
<command> [parameters]
amxx version
amxx modules
amxx plugins
amxx gpl
amxx cvars
amxx cmds
amxx pause
amxx unpause
How to Make Yourself Admin On CS 1.6 Server AmxModx | Very Easy Tutorial
To make yourself admin, you need to install AmxModx on your Counter Strike 1.6 Steam or Non Steam Server.
You Can find complete tutorial here How to make CS 1.6 Server and install AmxModx
After installing amxmodx, follow these steps.
Go to HLDS/Cstrike/amxmodx/config and open users.ini file.
Scroll to the bottom of the file and there you will see something like this.
You can make yourself admin with your name, ip address or your steam id. For example i want to make myself admin with my name, then i will write my name and set proper flags as shown in picture. You have to write your name and your password in place of "my setinfo password" and save the file.
Restart your server or change map and your done. Now open your game, write in console setinfo _pw yourpassword and hit enter, join your server.
You can set user accoun flags according to your choice. Flag "a" means that you require password to enter in the server. Flag "e" means that you dont need to enter the password, but it is not secure as anyone can use admin nick and enter in the server.
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